คำสั่งสำหรับ hack IPhone
คำสั่งสำหรับ hack IPhone
command list:
help = this list
script = run script at specific address
go jump = directly to address
bootx = boot a kernel cache at specified address
diags = boot into diagnostics (if present)
tsys = boot into tsys (if present)
bdev = block device commands
image = flash image inspection
fs file = system commands
fsboot = try to boot kernel at /kernelcache
devicetree = create a device tree from the specified address
ramdisk = create a ramdisk from the specified address
tftp = tftp via ethernet to/from device
eload = tftp =via ethernet from hardcoded install server
halt = halt the system (good for JTAG)
reboot = reboot the device
poweroff = power off the device
md = memory display - 32bit
mdh = memory display - 16bit
mdb = memory display - 8bit
mw = memory write - 32bit
mwh = memory write - 16bit
mwb = memory write - 8bit
mws = memory write - string
crc = POSIX 1003.2 checksum of memory
task = examine system tasks
printenv = print one or all environment variables
setenv = set an environment variable
clearenv = clear all environment variables
saveenv = save current environment to flash
run = use contents of environment var as script
bgcolor = set the display background color
setpicture= set the image on the display
iic = iic read/write
radio = Manipulate the radio board.
setbusclock = Set bus clock to the given frequency in Hz.
setcorevoltage = Set core voltage to the given voltage in mV.
syscfg = flash SysCfg inspection
charge = Manage the charger chip.
powernvram = Access Power NVRAM.
usb = run a USB command
nand = nand flash routines
chunk = chunk a file7/6/2007